Despite that e-commerce eliminated any physical interaction, the need for contact between the shopper and the seller remains the same. Usually, for that, eBay sellers provide their email addresses or phone numbers. It is important to submit the right information, in order to create a way for your customer to reach you. So, if you suddenly need to change eBay phone number you should know how to do it. For this reason, we took a closer look at the eBay rules of changing contact details in this article.
How to change eBay phone number?
It is important to reach an online seller before or after the purchase, which is why eBay allows you to change your contact details. In cases where your phone number has changed or when you entered the wrong one by mistake. The steps to do that are quite simple. First, you need to go to your Account and select “Personal information”. Then, go straight to the “Email and Contact Information” section and select “Edit” next to “Registered name and address”. Afterwards, click on “Change your Primary telephone” and make your changes. To save them press the “Submit” button.
How to share your phone number on eBay?
As mentioned before, contact between the seller and the shopper is a major part of online business. So, some sellers might want to change eBay phone number to a public contact. In other words, to show it before the purchase. In order to do that, you have to go to your Account and click the “Manage communications with buyers” option. There you have to find Share your phone number and press “Yes”. The next step is to choose how you want to share it. There are two options to do that – “Only show this info after a purchase” or “Share this info both before and after a purchase”. After that simply click the “Submit” button and your customers will be able to see your eBay phone number.