Have you ever thought about why customers use one e-commerce platform instead of another? Of course, many shoppers think that it is all about the content. They’re mostly right, but there is another part of that decision-making process – subconsciousness. Many shoppers cannot clearly describe why they prefer any one marketplace. Frankly, it is because of their looks. Creating the right kind of logo is a very important part of each e-commerce branding. Before you start your own business, you should be aware of the five main e-commerce logo secrets. For this reason, we gathered all the knowledge you will need to create an attractive and competitive e-commerce logo.
1. Horizontality
Now, let’s talk about the first e-commerce logo tip – it’s position. You need to avoid creating vertical designs. Even if it looks suitable for your idea, try to make it horizontal. Because otherwise, it will destroy the convenience of your website. A vertical e-commerce logo will take more space, so additionally it forces your customer to scroll more. That kind of thing directly affects shopper’s choice. All of the greatest brands understand that and keep their logos horizontal – eBay, Amazon, Newegg, etc.
2. Simplicity
All of the best-known e-commerce logos have one thing in common. Each one of them stands out from others with their simplicity. It is important that the name or signs in your logo would be easy to read and understand for everyone. E-commerce logo should identify your brand name, main goals or your marketplace content. For example, Multiorders is an order management software, which simplifies multiple order fulfilment. Its main purpose is clear in the brand name and also in its logo.
3. Catch-phrases
Only your store name in your e-commerce logo is not always enough. If your online store stands out from others for its content, you should show it in your logo! For example, Bonanza has very unique content. Their main focus is collectable artwork, “hard to find” goods, crafts and clothing. They outline their distinct focus right there in their logo. It is instantly clear who is their main customer base and what they’re all looking for. This way, Bonanza outline their main competitive advantage and easily catches attention of potential new customers.
4. Mobile friendly
Now, think about your users and when they are visiting your shop. Many online shoppers, like to visit online stores during their free-time, or on their way to work, home, etc. Additionally, that means, that they might buy goods using their mobile phone. For this reason, your e-commerce logo should be readable through small devices. Use a big font and simple, convenient words. For example, Amazon has chosen a simple black colour for their logo. Also, it is easy to read and notice their e-commerce logo.
5. Colours
Do not forget to think about the colours. It is a common fact that each colour has a different effect on your customers. There are colours which look more convenient or calming and others, which create excitement, are more stimulating. Of course, this decision should depend on your main product idea and brand purpose. For example, eBay chooses to use four different colours for their e-commerce logo – red, blue, yellow and green. Let’s take a quick glance at their meanings. The first letter “e” is red, which stands for energy, power and passion. The second one – blue, creates a kind of opposite effect. Straight from action colour, blue calms you down and creates a trust. Blue is also the colour of productivity. The third letter “a” is yellow, which cheers up customers and projects optimism. Finally, green is the colour of relaxation and growth.