Each online seller creates unique products and different offers. For example, Etsy markets itself as a marketplace with unique products. In other words, most of their sellers sell handmade, vintage, or exclusive products. Despite that, there still might be situations when you need to add quantity on Etsy. For instance, when you have a few units of the same bracelets or rings. For this reason, we will explain to you how to add quantity on Etsy.
How to add quantity on Etsy?
Etsy, as all other marketplaces tries to be as convenient as possible. They allow Etsy users to customize their stores. For example, to add quantity on Etsy. This option is possible for each item while creating or editing a listing. So, if you have more than one unit, simply increase the quantity in stock. Additionally, when you sell any of them, the amount in stock will go down. Keep in mind, that the listing fee is $0.20 USD, no matter how many quantities you list. So, when you sell an item Etsy charges you a $0.20 USD auto-renewal fee for any remaining quantities.
On the other hand, if you would like to show the available colours of that same product, you can add a drop-down menu for that. In order to do that, you need to use the “Variations” option. In your listings, you can see the “Add variations” button. There you can select the options you need or create a new one by clicking “Create a new option”. Now you need to check the boxes that correspond to which variations you have. After that, click on “Save and continue”. Finally, you will be redirected to the tables that outline the options for your variations. Fill out the available fields, or click “Edit variations” for some additional changes. The last step is to save your changes and check out your variations! Doing all of this once is simple enough, but in most cases, you will need to continuously update the prices of your products to stay competitive. Try using Multiorders Etsy inventory management tools to prevent these repetitive steps. Update quantity on Etsy just by typing in a new price and pressing Enter, or use our bulk csv import and update your whole inventory in just a few minutes.