Every online seller has a lot of daily tasks, such as fulfilling orders, sending invoices, payments or purchase orders. An invoice is a document that has all the necessary transaction details. When doing business online, it is common that a customer asks for invoices, especially when they are business customers. If you want to avoid printing the details of each order and saving them as a PDF, there are software solutions which can automatically generate your invoices. In this article we will find out – does Shopify generate invoices and what is the most efficient way to do it.
Does Shopify generate invoices?
Basically, Shopify itself does not have an implemented feature for sending invoices. All they can offer is integration with other invoicing and billing softwares. So, when you create your Shopify store, you will have to find a way to generate invoices. In order to do that you have several options. One of them is free, and others come with additional charges, but offer you more features.
What are the most popular tools to generate Shopify invoices?
- First of all, there is a tool that can generate Shopify invoices for free. This invoice generator is available for both commercial and personal use. Keep in mind that this tool is only for your invoices, it doesn’t help you with billing.
- You could also choose a third-party software, which also offers automated shipments, tracking numbers and multiple sales channels. Multiorders allows you to send invoices, payments and purchase orders with just a few clicks. It also has integrations with all of the most popular shipping carriers, so you can ship your orders with any of them. Simply, choose your carrier and your order will be automatically updated with status and tracking info. If you are selling not only on Shopify, Multiorders allows you to connect different sales channels into a single dashboard.