Selling in general is a complicated process. Especially nowadays when the popularity of e-commerce is skyrocketing. It is important for retail store owners to incorporate e-commerce into their business. However, it is equally important for e-commerce sellers to be reachable offline. At least be able to take orders for their Shopify store over the phone.
Taking orders on Shopify
It is common sense to buy everything online and have it delivered to your doorstep. However some businesses can experience issues where customers are not able to buy online.
It may be because the customers are elderly people and they simply don’t know how to do it. Or there may be card errors and so on. You should be prepared for all kinds of customer requests. One of those is buying by phone.
Shopify phone orders
When using Multiorders order management software you can easily accommodate this need and take phone orders. For example, if you have an elderly customer, who really wants to buy from you.
But they don’t know how to add their card to a shop or cannot understand how to use it in general. You can always guide them through the process or simply take the Shopify order over the phone.
After you do that, a customer has various options to pay for it. They can pay through a bank transfer, make a cash payment at your brick and mortar store or they can tell you the card details and you will charge the card manually.
How to take Shopify phone orders
Here are the simple steps you need to take Shopify phone orders:
- Log in to your Multiorders account.
- Go to the Orders tab.
- At the top right hand corner you will see a button labeled Create Order. Click on it.
- Fill in the customer information, such as name, surname, address, phone number, etc. Make sure to double check if all the information is correct.
- Then find the products the customer wants to buy and add them to the order.
- Add notes if necessary.
- When done, click Create Order.
- To take a manual payment you will need to integrate a Stripe account. If you haven’t done it yet, do it under Integrations → Payment.
- Click on the order you just created. In the order information window, on the right hand side, you will see the Select Payment button.
- When you click on it, a pop up will appear. There you need to choose a type of payment: cash, bank transfer or Stripe. Select Stripe. Click Confirm.
- A new pop up window will appear from Stripe where you will need to fill in the card information. When done click the last button to confirm payment and that is it.
Your order will appear together with all the other orders and the next steps are as usual.