Want to boost both sales and traffic? It is really simple if you use the main tools that make your Etsy store more efficient – Multiorders Etsy inventory management and Instagram.
How to boost your sales?
- Link your Etsy store with Instagram
- Add Etsy and other stores to Multiorders
- Automate order fulfilment in every store with Multiorders
How to add Etsy link to your Instagram bio?
You can add Etsy link to your Instagram bio either through your mobile app or the website. In case you’re doing it on the app, tap your profile picture on the bottom right of your screen. If you want to do this through the website, click on the person icon in the top right corner to get to your profile.
From this point on, it’s the same whether you’re using the app or the webpage. Tap or click on the Edit Profile button next to your name. You have a space provided for writing custom descriptions that consist of 150 characters or less. Add the link to your website that you generated earlier. Tap Done to save your bio.
Instagram somewhat recently added a new feature that helps make your profile more complete by linking people who are associated with your store (co-owners, employees, etc.) or by adding some keywords that clarify what your store is about.
You can add people by just adding the @ sign, followed by their Instagram handle. To associate a keyword, just type the keyword prefixed by #. This will link the people to your account, or when certain words are mentioned, your store will pop up. Make sure to save the changes before you exit for them to take effect.
Boost your traffic!
While adding a link to your store in your Instagram profile will help people find your Etsy shop more easily, it’s not enough. Depending on your follower base, only a small percentage of people will visit your profile.
If your audience is interested in your products, they might visit your store more often. However, if they’re only following you for the content you post on your Instagram, you need other ways to attract traffic to your shop.
Since you’re using Instagram to promote your business, it’s safe to assume that you’re active on other social media platforms as well. However, if you just started, or simply haven’t expanded into other platforms, Pinterest is another good one to consider. If you want to read up on that topic a bit more, we have already covered advertising your Etsy shop on Pinterest in greater detail.
Being active on social media is a good way to engage potential customers. However, actually converting that audience to sales requires significant investment. That’s why everyone who does any business online agrees that email is still the best and cheapest way to retain existing customers and attract new ones.
As great as email marketing is, it still has a few hoops you need to jump through. Especially if a portion of your audience is from the European Union. Etsy takes care of the legal part of acquiring consent from your customers. However, there’s still a lot of work involved in actually using their data to market your business.
A way to connect it all
Actively marketing your Etsy store on Instagram and other social media platforms is great. However, before investing your time and money, you should take advantage of all the ways you can get your products noticed for (almost) free. Simply listing your products on multiple sales channels will undoubtedly bring more sales.
“Wait a moment,” you might think to yourself. “Managing multiple sales channels will surely take much more time than creating a few posts on social media.”
It used to be true just a few years ago. However, times have changed. Nowadays, you can connect every sales channel you work with into a single dashboard and avoid wasting time switching between accounts. The solution I’m talking about is of course Multiorders inventory management software.
There are a ton of other solutions on the market, but all of them require significantly more investment. Most of them also have a lot of limits that make you either pay for features you don’t need or invest upfront into your expansion.
Paying for additional sales channels before your business is established enough to give you positive return on investment is extremely risky. Not only does it limit growth, but you can suffer significant losses because of that.
With Multiorders you can expand into as many sales channels as you wish for no additional cost. This pricing system allows business owners much more freedom to get familiar with how each different sales platform works. You also get the freedom to experiment with your strategies for each marketplace with no risk involved.
Multiorders not only gives you the ability to manage all your sales channels in one place, but you can also add marketing platforms, like Mailchimp. What the integration does is automatically create mailing lists based on which platform your customers bought from you. This allows you to run marketing campaigns extremely efficiently.
Finally, there’s an option to test the system completely free. Since all you need is an email address, there’s no commitment involved. You can simply sign up for an account, add your stores and you’re good to go. As your business grows and you hire more employees, you can even create separate accounts for each of them without any additional charge.