GUIDE: How To Combine Shopify Orders?

GUIDE How To Combine Shopify Orders Multiorders

In order to enjoy the benefits of selling online, you have to cope with the struggles it brings. If you are a Shopify seller, you might think about how to combine Shopify orders. When you sort out this question, you will surely make your business more efficient.

Combine Shopify Orders
Why Should You Combine Shopify Orders?

  • Buying patterns. If you spot that most of your customers buy one thing and within 24 hours they decide to buy something else, in order to save time you have to think about merging the orders. Combining orders will help you deliver multiple orders in one package at once, which is always a benefit looking from your customers perspective.
  • Saving money. For you as a seller, combining orders has some advantages as well. Shipping merged orders in one box will definitely save you money.

As Shopify hasn’t introduced a feature where you can combine orders easily so far, you have to think about alternatives. The best one is Multiorders platform!

Best Way To Combine Shopify Orders

If you decided that the ability to combine orders is crucial for you, Multiorders software is the answer!

Multiorders is an inventory management software, where you can add various online stores and use different shipping carriers for faster and easier fulfillment. Once you integrate e-commerce stores, you can manage orders and shipments in one spot.

Combine Shopify Orders


In addition, with the software, you can use Amazon fulfillment services. This is great for those, who want to manage order fulfillment faster and with no worry. Moreover, Multiorders offers great features on label printing. You can easily create, void and reprint labels in a few seconds. Also, when creating the labels you can choose from different label formats, which always helps the merchants.

Surely, Multiorders software has multiple great features, but one of the best ones is the ability to combine Shopify orders. It is easy and fast!

How To Combine Shopify Orders With Multiorders:

  1. Log in to MultiordersLogin Screenshot Multiorders
  2. Make sure you are in the Orders sectionGo To Orders Screenshot Multiorders
  3. If you have any orders that can be combined, there will be an orange notification.Automatic notification will suggest when you can merge orders that have come from the same person

When you click on it, the orders that go to the same shipping address will be merged together automatically. Afterwards, you can just ship the combined orders simply as if they were normal orders.