We are proud to announce the release of our completely reworked product merging system. The latest version gives our users complete control over their inventory and comes with much more flexibility. From now on, you can have multiple main marketplaces which allows you to have multiple sets of merged products. This is especially useful when you have a diverse inventory. If you sell the same selection of products across all your stores, you can simply merge them all together into a single group.
What’s new?
There are a number of changes in the new system. All of them are focused on improved usability and convenience. With the new system, you can unmerge a store with one click of a button, where previously you had to do each item one by one. If you decided to stop selling on one platform or want to focus on a different store than your current main integration, it is very simple to change which store is set to be your main.
Merging new listings has also been considerably improved. Once all new listings have been imported, you can simply click a button and and have them automatically merged.
If you have multiple groups of products and you sell one group on, for example, Etsy and Bonanza, and sell another group of products on eBay and Amazon, you can set up your integrations to merge in two different groups. One group would consist of Etsy and Bonanza where Etsy is the main integration and dictates stock levels for Bonanza. The other group would consist of Amazon and eBay where Amazon would dictate stock levels for eBay.
The new system is also great for sellers who use Amazon FBA and want to use Amazon MCF to fulfill orders from only a few other marketplaces. You can connect some of your marketplaces to Amazon and create another group of shops that don’t rely on your FBA inventory. Following is a short overview of the new system and a guide on how to use it efficiently so you get the most out of Multiorders inventory management.
One more important thing to note is if you had used the previous system to merge your stores together, the setup will remain.
How the new setup works
You can find the new inventory merging system under Settings -> Product Merge.
1. Choose the main integration
Once all your integrations have been imported, the next step is to choose your first main integration. When you click on the dropdown all current available integrations will be displayed.
2. Choosing the first child integration
After choosing the first main integration, you need to add the first ‘child’ integration to it. You can do this by clicking on the second dropdown to the right. In this one, you will also be able to see which integration has been chosen to be the main for this particular merge.
3. Merge history and actions
When you select both integrations and click ‘Merge’, a new entry will appear in the ‘Merge history and actions’ list at the bottom of the page. There you can see what actions you have taken, what is their current status and if you click in the ‘Details’ column, you can see how many items were affected.
4. Merging additional integrations
If you want to add another integration to the same merge, you now need to select it from the dropdown in the already existing merge and click the green ‘+Add’ button below it. You can do this as many times as you need.
If you want to start a new group of merged integrations with a new main, simply repeat the steps from the beginning. All integrations that have already been merged, will simply not appear in the list.
5. Find new products
If you added new listings and want them to merge automatically, you need to wait for them to appear in your inventory. Then go to the same section and click on ‘Find New Products’ next to each integration. The system will check for any new matches and merge them together according to your setup.
If you want the check to happen automatically, check the box next to “Find New Products” and the system will check and merge any new products every time new listings are imported.
You can unmerge integrations from there as well. Just click the ‘Unmerge’ button next to the store you want to remove from the current merge. All products will carry over current stock total from the merged group. They will also carry over any orders assigned to that specific store, so you don’t need to be alarmed when stock levels become different after unmerging due to some products being in-order.
Important things to keep in mind
There are a few important things to keep in mind that will help you avoid confusion.
The first point is that the system only merges items with matching SKUs. If you have the same item in multiple shops with different SKUs you will either need to merge them manually or edit one of the SKUs so they match. If multiple items have matching SKUs in the same store, they will also be merged together. If you don’t want this to happen, make sure all your products have unique SKUs assigned to them.
Another important note to keep in mind comes up when you want to merge integrations that you have added some time ago. If an item has an order assigned to it, the ordered products will carry over to the entire merged group and reduce stock from the main marketplace. If, for example you have an item that has 2 in-order and you merge it to a group that has 1 item available, the entire group will go down to -1.
You should also wait for any new listings to get imported from all your stores before clicking on ‘Find New Products’. This works the same way when you first add your store and when you simply list new items.