We all know a valid view that the customer is always right. Even though this view is starting to fade and the most important part slowly becomes the employee, the online world remains unchanged. The customer here is the most important, because they are the ones generating most of the profit and some Shopify businesses don’t even have employees. However, if you find a way to manage customer order history in Shopify, it can increase the chances of further sales and better customer care.
Easy way to manage customer order history in Shopify
You might think that a small business can survive without these things, but the reality is different. No matter the size of the business, they all need Multiorders customer management software. Simply because it tracks everything and when the time for expansion comes, it helps make a smooth transition. The main features that Multiorders offer regarding customer management are customer file creation, data export and MailChimp integration.
Customer file
The first and most desirable feature to help you manage customer order history in Shopify is the creation of customer files. It means that every time when someone buys a product from any of the unlimited amount of Shopify or other e-commerce platforms integrated, Multiorders creates a file for that customer.
It helps you easily find and locate the purchases made by a particular customer. Also, it is managed from the Multiorders dashboard. You can effortlessly access any customer file in Multiorders. Just log into your Multiorders account and go to the Customers tab.
There you will see a list of all the customers. To find a particular customer use filters. You can filter customers by the date a customer was created, country, shop, postcode, company name or even by tags if you use those.
If you are looking for a specific customer you can enter the name in the search panel. Once you choose the way you want to find your customers, click Add or press Enter if you are using the search panel.
That is it, you can find any customer who bought an item from your Shopify store since you have integrated it to Multiorders. However, you will not be able to find purchases made before the integration.
Data export
Moreover, you can export and print the customer file. This can be done for multiple reasons, such as safekeeping or information sharing with other departments. To export data just follow the steps below.
- Log in to your Multiorders account.
- Go to the Customers tab. At the top right-hand corner, you will see the Export button. Click on it.
- Three options will appear. Export All – you can export all the customer files in a CSV file. Export Selected – before choosing this option you need to select which customers to export. When done, click Export Selected and the CSV file will download. Export Filtered – chose this option after filtering the customer files. You can filter by customer, company, creation date and more.
- When done, click on the selected option and the CSV file will download.
To make it even easier to manage customer order history in Shopify and all the other e-commerce platforms which you have integrated, Multiorders have teamed up with MailChimp, the email marketing platform. After integrating MailChimp, it will automatically create your customer files.
They will also be separated into different lists depending on which store your customers bought from. When you have these lists, you can go to MailChimp and send hundreds of emails to your customers. Here is how to integrate MailChimp:
- Go to Integrations.
- Find the MailChimp icon and click on it.
- Fill in the display name and click Connect.
- It will redirect you to the MailChimp login page. Log in to your account.
- You will be redirected back to Multiorders with the integration working.
From now on all the new customer files will go to Mailchimp’s marketing list.