Multiorders shipping management software offers a way to easily advance your business and become more effective in the shipping process. To be exact, our software does this by offering you the Shopify and FedEx integration. This integration can be a very helpful tool on the road to success.
To create a Shopify and FedEx integration, just follow the steps below. As a result, after the completion, you will have fully working integrations. Therefore, you can start shipping Shopify orders with FedEx immediately.
Shopify integration
First of all, you need to integrate Shopify by completing a few very straightforward steps:
- Log in to Multiorders account.
- Go to Integrations.
- On the right-hand side find the Shopify icon and click on it.
- In the window enter the display name and your store name. Click Connect.
- You will be redirected to the Shopify login page. Enter the login information and click Log in.
- You will be redirected back to Multiorders with the integration working.
It may take up to ten minutes for the product import. Meanwhile, you can integrate FedEx.
FedEx integration
To be honest, Fedex integration takes a while, but it is well worth it. Therefore, hang in there and follow the steps:
- Go to http://www.fedex.com/us/developer/ to get your Test details.
- Click on FedEx Web Services.
- Log in to your account. Then click on Develop and Test in the left menu.
- Scroll to the bottom and click on Get Your Test Key.
- You need to fill out the FedEx registration form before you can get the testing credentials. Don’t forget to choose the appropriate country. Then click Continue.
- In the new window, you will see the terms and conditions. Click I Accept.
- Now you see the Testing Details. Note them somewhere.
- Next, you need to get your Production Details. Go here: http://www.fedex.com/us/developer/
- Click on FedEx Web Services.
- In the drop-down menu find Move to Production and click on it.
- Scroll down until you see Get Production Key and click on it.
- You will be required to fill in the registration form before you can get the Meter Number. Answer the questions:
Do you intend to resell your software? – No.
Please check the box next to each type of FedEx web services you intend to use in your integration solution. – Check the box with the “FedEx Web Services for Shipping (includes Rate, Track, etc.)”.
Please indicate whether you are developing your FedEx integration solution as a Corporate Developer or as a Consultant. – Corporate Developer. - Click Continue.
- In the terms and conditions section click, I Accept.
- Fill in the contact information and click Continue.
- In the Developers Info section click Continue.
- Now you should see your Meter Number and Authentication Key. The Password and Product URL will be in your email.
- Almost done. Now log in to Multiorders.
- Go to Integrations.
- Find the FedEx icon and click on it.
- Click next until you reach the page where you have to put the information you have just gathered. Click Submit.
- If everything was correct you will be able to print test labels. These labels will also be sent to your email. Click Done.
- You must print those labels and send for a quality check to your FedEx account manager. Whenever the labels are approved you can proceed with the integration by using your Production Account details.
- Go to Multiorders Integrations page and on the left-hand side and find the FedEx integration. Click Finish Integration.
- FIll in the details which you should have in your email. Click Submit.
That is it, now you have a fully working Shopify and FedEx integration. You can start using it. If you have any further questions about how the Shopify and FedEx integration works, please contact our support team.