As an eBay seller, you have to figure out not only how to portray your items in the way customers would want to buy them, but also provide superb delivery service. It can be a struggle to manage multiple shipments at the same time and keep up with other tasks required for your store. Therefore, you should use Amazon FBA to fulfill eBay orders.
How To Use Amazon Fba to Fulfill Ebay orders?
Fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon FBA) is a perfect service for any merchant. It is not only for Amazon sellers as well! Also, if you are selling on multiple marketplaces check Amazon Multi-channel Fulfilment, which is a part of Amazon FBA. You can use it regardless of whether you sell on eBay or other sales channels.
Amazon FBA offers to pick, pack and ship your orders. It is a perfect alternative if you don’t have a warehouse or time for order fulfillment. Moreover, Amazon provides customer service for your orders. It is a great system, because Amazon manages not only customer inquiries and refunds, but also returns 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
Easier Way To Fulfill Ebay Orders
If you are an eBay seller who thinks ahead, you should look into the ability to optimize your workflow. Multiorders inventory management software is a useful tool for this.
With Multiorders you can add multiple e-commerce shops and use various shipping carriers in order to manage everything in one place. The software lets you use Amazon FBA not only with one but with multiple eBay stores at once. Moreover, if you want to branch out, Multiorders is perfect for managing multiple stores from different sales channels.
In addition, you can create shipping presets, generate shipping labels and get automatic updates to your sales channels with tracking information. These features will definitely change your daily work routine and only for the better!