A common interest among shopkeepers is to use their online store as a catalogue, and not as a storefront for purchases. It is possible to hide product prices on Shopify which helps you achieve that. Additionally, you can hide the Add to Cart button as well and you can reveal it again when needed.
There are two parts to hiding product prices on Shopify. It’s a series of easy to follow steps though. The first part of the changes is made in your Settings section of your admin page. You have to edit some HTML codes to hide product prices on Shopify. After that, you have to open the liquid file for the theme you are using and add some more coding to inform your theme to hide product prices as well.
Hide product prices on Shopify
- First, navigate to Settings from your Shopify admin page.
- Then go to the General Section.
- Scroll down till you find the Standards and Format section.
- Near currency, at the top left corner, click on more Change formatting to reveal additional formatting options.
- To hide product prices on Shopify, find the HTML with currency and HTML without currency part of the form.
- Add the tags <Span class =hidden> and </span> at the start and end of the data in the form. So it would look something like this:
${{amount}}USD will look like this <span class=hidden>${{amount}}USD</span>
${{amount}} will look like this <span class=hidden>${{amount}}</span>
- Then, go to Shopify admin → Online store → Themes.
- Select the theme you are using, then select Actions → Edit code.
- Find the Assets folder. Find one of the following files which varies based on what type of theme you are using:
- theme.scss.liquid
- styles.scss.liquid
- style.scss.liquid
- Timber.scss.liquid
- At the end of the file, add this code:
display: none;
- Finally, save your changes to apply them to your webpage.