We all secretly know how to manage a business, but we choose to ignore it. In the interest of ambitious entrepreneurs like yourself, we’d like to share 10 business management tips that are focused on building a business where the end goal is to put in the least amount of hours possible.
1. Don’t “Do” it
Breaking new ground is overwhelming and managing a business is no exception. To chip away at the mountain of tasks, getting rid of your “Do’s” is a rock-solid method. Instead, break tasks down and use prefaces “Start with” followed by “Then”. Works great on easily-distracted employees.
2. Lose control
Rather than trying to control everything, employ trust-worthy people and treat their jobs as their own little businesses. Normally, all you care about is their output, not their process. Stop looking over shoulders and leave the magnifying glass for the detective – that’s no tool for a manager.
3. Get excited when somebody disagrees with you
When your subordinates disagree – get excited, because that means they care enough to risk getting on your bad side. Listen to them. Be sure to explain when they’re wrong and take action when they’re right.
4. Throw tempers away
Not everybody is well-tempered. Learn to see past tempers – it’s in your own best interest. Emotion clouds the points we want to make. Focus on the content, also do your best to keep your own points clear.
5. Use what’s at hand
Your people have skills and passions that may be out of their job descriptions, but can be valuable in certain situations. Greet new challenges not only with your own skillset in mind, but everyones’ on your team.
6. Their wrongs don’t make you right
Whenever somebody negatively comments on your work – it’s always worth taking a second look at, no matter their background or the value of their suggestion. Meaning, if something is noticed to begin with – it could probably be done better.
7. Expand when you’ve got time for details
Be cautious of how you spend your time – if something you’re doing is objectively not worth your time – get someone else to do it for you. Use that time towards expansion instead. Hey, maybe even apply the fifth business management tip and make use of an existing employee’s skill.
8. Take fault, but don’t fix it
Your employees will make mistakes. The best way to handle these situations is take some of the blame and guide them into fixing it. They’ll be more incentivized to resolve the problem when the boss is on their side. A great way to guide them into a fix is our next business management tip.
9. “What can be done about it?”
Ask “What can be done about it?” as soon as you understand the problem well enough. This will drastically improve productivity as well as help your employees and yourself focus on fixing issues instead of just thinking about them.
10. Utilize third-party tools
A great way to increase overall efficiency is making use of software solutions that are already available on the market. One good example of such a tool would be Multiorders inventory management software. It can significantly reduce the time you and your employees waste on routine tasks.
Since it’s capable of connecting every part of your business into one dashboard, you will also save a lot of money that you might otherwise spend in order to cover inventory, shipping, order and customer management.
While none of these business management tips may be unheard of, the intent was to turn focus on what will grow your business towards a state in which you barely have to do any work yourself. May you surround yourself with decision-making and self-sufficient workers!