Getting a negative review might be disappointing for every online seller. Despite of how hard you try to fulfil customer needs, situations like this might still happen. For this reason, Etsy sellers need to figure out how to change Etsy review. In order to help you, we’ve gathered some options that you can use to help you persuade your customers to change their verdict.
How to change Etsy review?
As mentioned before, it is not easy to think positively about a negative review. That is why you need to try to change Etsy review. Keep in mind that, editing or deleting it yourself is impossible. All you can do is reach out to your buyer and try to solve any issue they had. If you successfully communicate with them, maybe the customer will change their review. Also, you are allowed to respond publicly to reviews with three or fewer stars. It allows you to stand up for your store and explain what went wrong. Keep in mind, that once you write your response it becomes uneditable. So, try to stay as positive as possible, and write a short and professional text. However, replying should be the last resort if your customer refuses to reevaluate your store.
How to contact your buyer?
If you want your buyer to change Etsy review, you can’t just force them to do it. First of all, you need to know why you’ve got it and what have you done wrong. Second, try to change that situation. For example, if you delivered a broken product, try to replace it by sending a new one. In other words, you need to own up to your mistakes and try to fix them as best you can. Even though it sometimes is not your fault or it’s simply impossible to do, the customer will appreciate your concern. In order to communicate with your customer, you need to go to your “Shop review” or “Sold orders” pages. There you can start a new conversation with your customer.
Preventing bad Etsy reviews?
Sometimes there is no satisfying a picky customer, and bad reviews will pop up occasionally. That being said, most complaints and poor reviews will come due to late shipments, damaged goods, or oversold items. Now, that is something you can prevent when using our Etsy order management tools. Multiorders single dashboard approach will let you manage multiple Etsy stores as well as other marketplaces, without missing any shipping deadlines with a tonne of other features to boot.