While e-commerce is rapidly growing, all online sellers must find new ways to grow with it. In other words, start selling through multiple sales channels. Stop limiting yourself and think about all the audience which is waiting for you in other marketplaces. Whether you decided to spread your brand or already are doing it, we would like to share with you our experience. In this article, you will read about 7 tips on how to manage multiple sales channels.
1. Choose profitable sales channels
Since you decided to work through multiple sales channels, you should carefully consider which marketplaces would suit you the best. There is no need to start registering in to all known sales channels. Firstly, you should pay attention to profitability. Measure what profit you could gain or what you were getting from your previous marketplace and then add taxes. The amount of taxes and fees is different on each sales channel. Carefully read all terms & policies before starting.
2. Contextualize each channel’s marketing strategy
The best way to see how your marketing strategy works is by using multiple sales channels. Try to create a slightly different strategy for each marketplace. For example, on Etsy try to highlight your item’s unique and creative sides. On the contrary, on eBay talk about affordability. In other words, try to adapt your inventory and brand to customers of the exact platform.
3. Inventory management
The most important thing while working with multiple sales channels is well-organized inventory management. Receiving multiple orders will make some changes in stock-levels, pricing, etc. Switching from one marketplace to another will drain your time. To make your business more effective you should start using third-party help. Multiorders inventory management software offers you automated order fulfilment. It has integrations with all sales channels and all shipping carriers, which you can connect to a single dashboard. In this manner, as soon as you receive an order, simply click on a shipping carrier’s logo and Multiorders will do the rest. The system automatically adds tracking numbers in each marketplace and additionally informs your customer. With this automated solution, you won’t feel any difference between managing one or managing tens of sales channels.
4. Keep an eye on Analytics
To really succeed and see the longterm value of multiple sales channels, you need to keep an eye on your analytics. Ensure where sales are coming from, and what are your Top items. Connecting all your sales channels into the Multiorders dashboard allows you to see all sales, sold units, top customers, purchases per hour, etc. Having all this information in one place, allows you to forecast your profit and modify different marketplaces accordingly. It also helps you to moderate your marketing strategies, according to the profit you gain.
5. Email campaign
Do not forget to create some kind of email campaign. It is important to keep in touch with each one of your customers. First, read all about the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), to know how to legally collect your users’ information. After you are aware of all the terms, you should send a wishlist to your clients, ask for feedback. In other words, keep checking in with them and remind your customers about your online business.
6. Build your social media footprint
Selling online on multiple sales channels should not limit your social media activity. While taking care of all those e-shops, spread the word about your work. Find some influencers to advertise your brand. Also, connect your shops with social media networks and make daily updates. This kind of strategy creates a trust between you and your customer. Moreover, it helps you create a bigger reach and attract more users.
7. Assist your shoppers
It is important to assist your shoppers in real time. Be able to respond via message, email or phone. Your customers should know that you can be trusted and you care about them. Of course, it could sound slightly impossible to manage all sales channels and meanwhile create a perfect customer service. A solution for this is automation, drop off your time-draining tasks to Multiorders software. As soon as you connect your marketplaces, order fulfilment will take just a few seconds. Integrations with all shipping carriers and automated shipping will leave you more time for customer service and creating marketing strategies.